

Instability is usually the result of repetitive subluxation or dislocation of the shoulder joint. The purpose of physiotherapy is to improve scapular stability/control and increased strength in the rotator cuff muscles.


Dislocation occurs when the humeral head (arm bone) comes out of the socket. This commonly occurs in young athletes from a traumatic force to the shoulder. Dislocation may also occur from a fall in the older population. Individuals with dislocations should seek physiotherapy to improve mobility, as well as strength and control of shoulder […]

RC Tears

Rotator cuff tears are the partial or full rupture of one or more of the rotator cuff tendons. The rotator cuff muscles include: the supraspinatus, infrapsinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis. Tears are often the result of trauma/fall, or impingement (see shoulder impingement) due to poor postural habits. Individuals with rotator cuff tears may experience […]


Impingement is the reduction of the subacromial space resulting in compression of the rotator cuff tendons often due to poor posture. It usually results in restriction and decreased quality of movement with elevation of the shoulder joint. Individuals may experience difficulty with overhead, repetitive and throwing activities. Physiotherapy can help by addressing posture, pain, […]

Frozen Shoulder

The cause of Frozen shoulder is unknown but results from the thickening of the shoulder capsule. Frozen shoulder is common in individuals 40-60 years of age, predominantly women. This condition may appear following trauma, surgery or may present with no precipitating factor. Frozen shoulder goes through 3 stages: freezing, frozen and thaw. The whole […]